What If...
You could avoid impacts on existing utilities and install new lines at depth?

What If..
You could install a new sanitary sewer main without disrupting area traffic or businesses?

Would that impact your next project?
Why Trenchless Instead of Open Trench?
There are a host of reasons, but here are the key reasons engineers cite:
No Open Trenches - Significantly reduces disruption to the community, utilities (including fiber optics), businesses, streetscapes and traffic patterns and eliminates the need to repair or replace streets.
No Trench to Backfill - Eliminates the need to import foundation, bedding and backfill materials, greatly reducing truck traffic and disruption to the community.
Greater Depths of Installation - Increase the design options available and reduce or eliminate the expense of lift stations.
The information provided here is by no means comprehensive. For a full discussion of the pros and cons of trenchless installation with Vitrified Clay Jacking Pipe (VCP-J), please contact us.

Why Pilot Tube Method with VCP?

The most accurate small diameter trenchless method for gravity flow systems. Accurate to within ¼” over a single drive of 400’.
Frequently less expensive than other guided trenchless methods suited for gravity flow.
VCP-J has a designed compressive strength of 7,000 psi (per ASTM C1208). Actual NO-DIG pipe test results consistently average 18,000 psi. This compressive strength allows for drives of up to 500’ (dependent upon pipe diameter, soil conditions, etc.)
Environmental preference: Trenchless is the most environmentally responsible method of installation and vitrified clay is a naturally sustainable product.
Proven in a variety of soil conditions in the USA and Canada for over 30 years.
Pilot Tube Installation with Vitrified Clay Jacking Pipe
Highly accurate line and grade
Reduction or elimination of lift stations
Low-impact installations
o Reducing or eliminating relocation of existing utilities
o Limiting surface restoration needs
o Minimizing impact on environmentally sensitive areas
o Reducing or eliminating relocation of existing utilities
o Limiting surface restoration needs
o Minimizing impact on environmentally sensitive areas
An economical alternative to auger boring methods that require steel casings left in place with a carrier pipe